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Our Services

Focused mainly on the Offshore Upstream Oil & Gas Sector, our clients range from marginal field operators, SURF (Subsea Umbilicales, Risers and Flowlines) installation companies to major International Oil & Gas companies.

Navigation and Positioning Services

Positioning and Navigation services support clients who need to position Mobile Offshore Drilling Platforms, both Jack-ups and Semi-subs, with Sub-meter accuracy. Our state-of-the-art modern DGNSS systems supported by international partners, are proven to be industry best standard and are utilised all over the globe.


Construction Support Services

Positioning and Navigation of Construction barges needing anchor monitoring, pipeline layback positioning and Mattress installation support. Carrying out Pre-routes and As-Laid services are also critical criteria for a successful pipeline and subsea infrastructure campaign.


Debris Clearance Surveys

Using subsea scanning sonar equipment and positioning to detect seabed surface debris and possible prior spud-can penetration sites can reduce the risk of damage to Jack-up MODU legs. This can save expensive time in problems with positioning these Jack-ups next to existing platforms and installations.


Geophysical Hydrography Survey Services

Creating detailed bathymetric charts of drilling and construction locations is essential for the design of infrastructure and the carrying out of offshore operations. Using Side Scan Sonars, Sub-Bottom Profiles and Magnetometers, we can deliver quality data of the seabed surface and shallow subsurface that can be used to effectively used in engineering and project planning.


Remotely Operated Vehicles & Diving Services

With our observation class ROV’s and a partnership with African diving services, a 100% indigenous Nigerian Dive Company, we can offer shallow water ROV and Air-diving services to support subsea infrastructure installations and maintenance.

For More Information Speak to a Pisces Offshore member


3 General Ogomudia Rd

Lekki Scheme 1
Lagos State 

Tel: +234 1 271 4327

© 2020 Pisces Offshore Ltd

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